We Card Employee Training Course


Employee Training Course

We Card’s main training course for any retail employee who sells age-restricted products, particularly tobacco and e-cigarettes or vaping products. Uses an interactive and engaging set of exercises, simulations and evaluations to teach and test the knowledge, skills and abilities needed to responsibly retail age-restricted products.

Learn about FDA Requirements of Retailers

  • FDA Rules on Regulated Products
  • FDA Fines and Penalties
  • The “under 30 years old” carding requirement

Curriculum exceeds the FDA Guidance for Tobacco Retailer Training Programs.

Learn What Your State Law Requires

The training includes summaries of state law for tobacco products and e-cigarette and vaping products on minimum age, restricted products, acceptable forms of ID, fines and penalties and required state government signage.

Earn a Certificate! Successfully completing the training allows employees to take the “Store Challenge” test and the opportunity to earn a Certificate with a score of 80% or higher.

A Pre-Requisite for We Card’s other training courses

We Card’s Employee Training Course is a pre-requisite course for our other courses — Refresher Training and Manager Training